20 Februari 2008

Tarian BaLi ( Bali Dance )


Budaya Bali memiliki banyak sekali ragam kesenian Tari. Ini menunjukkan bahwa budaya kita sangat beradab. Seni tari penuh dengan simbol-simbol. Baik simbol dari kehidupan nyata maupun simbol kehidupan alam lain dan mimpi-mimpi. Hanya peradaban manusia yang mengerti arti simbol. Simbolisme yang digambarkan oleh para seniman tari di Bali sangat komunikatif. Tidak hanya menghibur hati, tetapi dapat memberikan pedoman yang mudah dicerna tentang benar dan salah, tentang baik dan buruk.

Tari Kecak

Tarian bali dapat di golong kan menjadi tiga :

1 . Tari Wali ( Wali Dance )
- Rejang
- Baris
- Pendet
- Barong
2. Tari Bebali ( Bebali Dance )
- Gambuh
3. Tari Balih balihan ( Balih Balihan Dance )
- Janger
- Kebyar
- Legong
- Kecak

Tari Barong


18 Februari 2008

Ajengan BaLinese ...

Grilled Marinated fish
The fragrance of seasoned fresh fishsizzling over charcoal is almost irresistible.

Bebek Betutu
The rich flavour of duck is greatly enhancedby a host of pungent roots, herbs and seasoningsin this dish which is invariably a great favorite with visitors to Bali

Soto Ayam

Chicken Soup: Shredded white Cabbage, Potato Chips, Sliced tomatos, Blanched beans-sprouts, Shredded celery leaves, Hard boiled egg

Nasi Merah Jatiluwih
Jatiluwih Red Rice : Mixed Vegetable (Spinach, long green beans, carrot, beanssprouts, cucumber) steamed and mixed with coconut grated and "sambal" (Indospice) - Spicy Slices of Chicken, Corn Fritters, Fried Peanut, Minced Chicken Satay, Dark green lime

Nasi Goreng Ayam

Chicken Fried Rice : Shrimp Crackers Fried Egg Minced Chicken Satay Slices of Cucumber Slices of Tomato

Bubur Ketan Hitam

Black Rice Puding : Thick Coconut Milk, Jack Fruit, Pandan leaf

Nasi Ayam Plecing

Sate lilit
This is probably the most delicious satay you'll ever encounter.The delicate flavours of the prawn and fish are greatly improved,if you can find spears of fresh lemon grass to use as skewers,and if you can cook them over a fire of coconut husks rather than charcoal.

Tempe Penyet

Kolak Pisang

Banana in Coconut Milk : Cinammon, Pandan leaf, Palm sugar

Nasi Kuning
Yellow Fragrant Rice : Mix Steamed Vagetables like Spinach, long green beans, carrot, beanssprouts, cucumber with coconut grated "sambal" - Spicy Slices of Chicken, Potato Fritters, Fried Peanuts, Minced Chicken Satay, Dark green lime


Vegetable Salad with Peanut Sauce : Lettuce, Shredded white Cabbage, Long Green Bean, Blanched beans-sprouts, Carrot, Boiled Potatoes, Cucumber, Tomato, Shrimp Crackers, Fried Hard Bean-curd, Hard boiled Egg



